So, we'll begin with introductions.
Undoubtedly, our main character will end up being our son, Carter. He's 5 years old, and has the greatest personality that I could ever imagine! For example, last week when he spent the night with my parents, he and my mom got on the topic of how the dinosaurs died. The conversation went something like this:
Carter: "Mamaw, how do you think the dinosaurs died?"
Mamaw: "Well, I think they died in the great flood."
Carter: "Nuh-uh!!"
Mamaw: "Okay, how do you think they died?"
Carter: "They died because of the asteroid that hit Earth."
Mamaw: "Oh... well why did you ask me if you already knew?"
Carter: "...[pause]... Because I wanted to make fun of your answer!!"
Precocious doesn't even begin to cover it! On top of buckets of personality, he's the sweetest kid I've ever met, beyond adorable, and pretty stinkin' cute to boot! (I might be biased though...)
Here he is:
Our patriarch is Blake. He's finishing his last semester in law school, and is also a law clerk at a local law firm. He's an avid tennis player, and a lifelong Colts fan. We've known each other for over 10 years and we're getting married on June 4th, 2011. Blake and Carter are so funny with each other, because I've never seen a father/son relationship that takes on a "best buddies" relationship almost all the time! Its so great that they get along so well, but sometimes it's like having two kiddos! (sorry babe...)
Here's Blake at his first Braves game:
And now, ME!! I'm in school right now, pursuing an accelerated BSN degree, and planning our wedding. (Trust me, I'm sure there will be lots and LOTS of wedding planning/frustration posts before the big day!) I have a younger sister, Rachael, who has my chunky little ball of love nephew, Ty. My mom, Kim, and dad, Mike, have been married since 1984. I love to read, and I have a newfound interest in home decor and crafting.
Here's me:
Well, here it is... THE FIRST BLOG ENTRY!
See you all soon!